Monday, August 1, 2011

What are you wearing?

As girls we like to look cute, right?  Also we like to wear something that is fitting for what we are doing.  If we are going to be at home with the kids all day we don't pick an evening gown and if we are going out with our husbands we don't pick out the big t-shirt and sweatpants.  In the same regard most of us like to look our best especially when going out.  Nothing is worse than running into the grocery store your hair a mess, no make up and sweats and you run into your child's friends mom who looks like she just walked out of a magazine ad, or maybe that's just me.

We worry or spend so much time on our physical appearance but how much time do we spend on our spiritual wardrobe?  I am ashamed to say that I spend much more time on my physical appearance everyday compared to my spiritual, but I want to get better and being in the word daily is a big step.  Today's reading is Eph 6:14-15 NLT "Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness.  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared."

Girls we can look as cute, stylish or sporty as we want but if we don't dress ourselves with truth, God's righteousness, and peace we are an easy target for the evil one.  He is looking for anyone he can get to and when we aren't dressed in our armor he will surely attack and we will not be prepared.

So, spend time working on your spiritual appearance too because in the end that is all that God cares about!  Have a great week as we finish up Ephesians.  I pray that this study has been a blessing to you!

Reading this week

~Missy D

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