Monday, July 25, 2011


Ah obedience a word that we love and hate all at the same time.  Today's reading I have read several times and can remember when I was younger hearing it and thinking it was pure torture.  I mean come on what adult can really understand what a teenager is going through, ha.  As a teenager I remember thinking my parents have no idea what I am going through and they are making all these rules just to make my life miserable.  Paul tells us different "Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. Honor your father and mother. This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth."  Eph 6:1-3 NLT

Obey your parents for this is right, it's not because God is wanting to make us miserable but he knows a secret that children and teenagers don't.  God knows that your parents have been through things and life experiences that will help get their children through life.  A parent tells a child not to go play in the street not because they are being mean but because they love that child and know that it is dangerous.  Then when the child obeys the parent and doesn't go in the street they are protected.  It may sound silly but its true. 

I also liked how it says to obey your parents because you belong to the Lord and He gives a promise with it life will be better and longer if you obey.  How many confrontations could have been avoided when I was younger if I just would have obeyed and honored my parents because they were my parents.  Growing pains!  Unfortunately I can't tell you how to get perfect children that will obey your every command, but I know that if we teach our children and teenagers God's word they will know the truth and if they see us living it they will be more apt to obey.

When we live our life obeying God's word and teaching this to our children then ultimately their obedience is not just to us but our heavenly Father.  It's not about getting them to follow all the rules we lay out because we say so but teaching them and helping them to grow in the Lord.

This Week's Reading

~Missy D

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