Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome to Soul Sisters!

First I want to start off like Paul did in Ephesians, "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." I'm not sure how you heard about us but I am glad you are here.  If you haven't done so already jump over to the About Us to read a lil more on how we got started and why we are here.

Accountability has become a huge part of my life and I am so thankful for it.  I wanted a deeper relationship with my Savior and God but didn't have the discipline to get to the point I wanted.  I knew that I needed to spend time, daily, in the Word but with 4 kids ages 1 1/2-18 and all the other things I made time for I couldn't fit daily Bible study in the schedule.  I would look at different blogs and websites trying to find the quick fix to get where I wanted.  I mean come on we are in a society of instant gratification where was my read this book and you will be at the level you want in 48 hours?  As I searched different blogs I stumbled on Women Living Well and an idea of accountability groups.  I have to say I thought to myself wow that is a great idea but I could never do it.  After God kept knocking I finally answered.  The reason I started this group I have to say were completely selfish reasons.  I wanted someone to hold me accountable in being in the Word daily.  Wow, God had different plans for me.  After sending out the inital email I had several emails responding "this is an answered prayer", "it's just what I need."  My heart was filled with joy and I thanked God for being patient with me and not giving up on me.

This group has been more of a blessing than I could have ever imagined.  I have several Soul Sisters who will hold me accountable, love me, pray for me and share my burdens.  The name Soul Sisters came about when our group decided we wanted to get the word out so that other women could experience the same blessings we were.  Our group had come about because of a blog that was called the Good Morning Girls.  We knew we had to find another name so Soul Sisters is what we came up with.

The purpose of this blog is to help encourage you to start a group of Soul Sisters yourself or if you are a part of a group already to encourage you in your daily walk.  Today kicks off the start of our Ephesians study.  If you are interested in a study we will have them listed under the studies tab.  These are past studies we have done and then the current one we are doing.  The Ephesians study has divided the book into readings that span over a 12 week period.  We will have different Soul Sisters sharing their thoughts here and would love to hear from you too in the comment section.  We are all new to this so be patient with us as we get the blog up and running. 

I encourage you to all have that deeper relationship with God that I know is possible with accountability.  He desires to have a close relationship with us all.  As it says in James 4:8a "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  Soul Sisters lets draw near to God so that He will draw near to us and we can be the hands and feet of Christ!

~Missy D

Ephesians Reading for this week:
Mon 1:1-3
Tues 1:4-6
Wed 1:7-10
Thurs 1:11-12
Fri 1:13-14


  1. YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I am so ecstatic about this and just filled to overflowing! God is so good to bring this about. Praise Him! My prayer is that we will use this to reach many women with the blinding TRUTH of His Word! He is wonderful!

  2. This is fantastic! Thank you!

  3. Site looks great Missy! Thanks for all the time and effort you have put into this ministry that has no doubt already touched many lives! God IS good!
