Friday, May 20, 2011

Divine Intervention

Has anyone else ever felt that they just could NOT do something, be something, speak or act a certain way?  I know I have.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I unfortunately was *gasp!* hormonal and quickly reeling out of control with my children.  Yet after a comment from my almost-4-year-old that could've sent me further down that road, I found myself doubled over in fits of laughter.  The relief on her face was enough to send me straight to my God, desperately calling for patience.  The rest of the day was a beautiful mess.  I wanted to clean the kitchen but my sweet girl wanted to play blocks.  So we did.  I wanted to read for 10 minutes while my kids watched Veggie Tales.  But when they saw Mommy sitting down, they were done with their show and wanted attention.  I fought it momentarily, but eventually put my book away and spent time focused on them.

Patience is not natural to me.  Yet in our reading for today (Eph 1:13-14), I was reminded of just how I summoned up something that is- let's face it - NOT of me. Part of that scripture says, "Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance."  Oh yes, Lord.  You marked me with your seal.  You are claiming me - you own me!  And you gave me Your Spirit as a reminder to me.  Patience when I'm hormonal?  Well, that's NOT human.  It's divine.  It is only Your Spirit that can accomplish that in my life.  And You are using that to remind me today - my mental "guarantee" - that the best is yet to come!  Oh praise you, Lord!!  You are too much.

Call on His Spirit today, my Soul Sisters!  You'll be so thankful you did.
-Kelly T

1 comment:

  1. Kelly....OH SO TRUE! Many a day have I felt the pricking of my heart when I look into my children's eyes and see them expecting me to explode. Those looks just bring me to my knees and make me wonder what I'm doing and who really has control of me! Thank you for the words of encouragement, I SO needed them today!

    Apryl P.
